Friday, May 29, 2009

Some Good Readings

The last year or so has been different in the way that I started getting into reading blogs and opinions on the web a lot more than earlier, and this has given me a different insight into the information that is generally not available or is distorted in the media. Blogs definitely are a good media to understand the undercurrents of the society that we live in, or the places we want to know about. The discussions that these blogs generate as comments is another indicator of the emotions that the particular issues evokes among people who are on the opposite side of the discussions. A few of the blogs that I have read, and commented on are from different genres, and I would like to share them on my blog so that i could do my bit in order to spread the word. These are from different areas of interests, and they may or may not be the best available writers or blogs on the particular subject, yet i read them more or less regularly, and appreciate the points of view raised in these (i may not agree to them though) The reviews about the blogs are purely my own, and i am not too sure about the IPR issues , if any of these blog owners feel offended because of what i write here, please mail me and i would delete the portions. OK, so here goes, the first set of blogs are about Kashmir. I have had some fascination for kashmir for some time, one since my roommates in school hostel were from Kashmir, muslims from Srinagar and Anantnag districts, and then I had a good friend in college who was a Kashmiri Pandit, and again a good friend at my workplace, another kAshmiri Pandit boy, who finally got married to a kashmiri pandit girl, he met in a refugee camp in Jammu....(now that's a romantic fairy tale)....and so when i started reading non fiction, many of these books were about kashmir....i remember, there were multiple books from MJ Akbar, Bashrat Pir, Karan Singh, Sheikh Abdullah, and numerous others, and i did have heated discussions with people all over the place about them. I have personally been to Kashmir- once to Srinagar for a marriage in the heart of old srinagar, the hotbed of anti india feelings, and next to Amarnath, staying enroute at Srinagar, sonmarg, Pahal gaam, and anantnag, where the idea was to meet as many people as i could than the pilgrimage. ANyways there is this blog from Koshur I read is often, and do comment on them too. I have had discussions and arguments with Koshur and others from the Kashmir side of opinions, and then there are regulars who post the iNdian view. THe discussions range from emotional diatribes, to logical reasoning and outright religious fights, but the fact is it gives an amazing view of things from a Kashmiri viewpoint which is not very evident otherwise. There are other blogs too, but then they range from outright propaganda about atrocities in kashmir(similar in concept to what is blamed a lot on indian media), and the rest about poetics and pain. THere is another blog from Saadat which is not very regular but nonetheless very enriching. More on these blogs in detail later. There are more blogs about Pakistan that I read- one called Fiverupees there is another one called CHUP - changing up pakistan, and then there is this website called Global voices online which acts as a consolidator of blogs from around the world. Well, for all we know, these blogs may not be representative of the actual mindset of people, sinc efor a place like Kashmir or Pakistan , people who blog are going to be the educated elite with access to PC and internet and english knowledge (compared to poor poeple in these places who can nto even have two square meals), yet they are better than the impersonal reporting that news and formal media reports. Again these blogs have an uncanny capability to ould opinions of the people who rely on these blogs for the situation on the ground.And that makes the authority of the blog owners a little important. I know that this post is vastly different from whatever has been posted on this blog(well this is more serious, if you believe me). I would try and write about anything that is top of my mind on a particular day. Mera blog hai bhai :)

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